Hi Everyone!
We are quickly approaching our show date and have been working on the musical program. Attached is a form to add a Graveyard Greeting to the program for your cast or crew member. These are shout-outs & well wishes that are printed in the show program. These are a nice way to recognize your performer or crew member with a personalized message from family or friends.
Greetings are limited to 150 characters. The cost per greeting is $5.00. Thee must be received AND paid for no later than Monday, April 1st. Payment for greetings can be cash or check made out to Penn Middle School PTO. You can send your form and payment in a sealed envelope with your Drama member to rehearsal.
We will have extra forms available on the website and wil hand them out at rehearsal as well. Cash and Check are acceptable. Make checks payable to Penn Middle School PTO.
Show your support for your student and have a wish printed in the program for them!
We are quickly approaching our show date and have been working on the musical program. Attached is a form to add a Graveyard Greeting to the program for your cast or crew member. These are shout-outs & well wishes that are printed in the show program. These are a nice way to recognize your performer or crew member with a personalized message from family or friends.
Greetings are limited to 150 characters. The cost per greeting is $5.00. Thee must be received AND paid for no later than Monday, April 1st. Payment for greetings can be cash or check made out to Penn Middle School PTO. You can send your form and payment in a sealed envelope with your Drama member to rehearsal.
We will have extra forms available on the website and wil hand them out at rehearsal as well. Cash and Check are acceptable. Make checks payable to Penn Middle School PTO.
Show your support for your student and have a wish printed in the program for them!

graveyard_greetings.docx |